A wordless sequence following two sisters as they journey deep into the forest. A personal project undertaken during my MA Childrens Book Illustration at Cambridge School of Art
A wordless sequence following two sisters as they journey deep into the forest. A personal project undertaken during my MA Childrens Book Illustration at Cambridge School of Art
As the seasons turn from Autumn to Winter, Gloria the cat goes missing. A picture book about being lost and found again, told from two perspectives. A personal project undertaken during my MA Childrens Book Illustration at Cambridge School of Art
A multi-lingual board book exploring farm animal sounds in languages around the world. A personal project undertaken during my MA Childrens Book Illustration at Cambridge School of Art
The sketchbook is where most of my ideas come from. It’s a safe place for me to play with ideas, develop characters and try out new things. Below are some examples of working progress from previous projects, doodles and imaginings for unwritten stories.
Drawing from life is at the heart of my practice and my observations often inform my imaginative work. Here are a few of my observational drawing sketcbook pages.